45 research outputs found

    Cyber Security of Multi-Locational Work in Modern Organisation

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    Multi-locational work has become an integral part of working life in recent decades, and during the Covid-19 pandemic, it has continued to increase. The probability of certain cyber security risks has increased with this change. Based on the literature, this thesis presents the key cyber security risks in multi-locational work. The risks were categorized in four levels according to who is primarily responsible of the risk. The categories being primarily employee’s responsibility, shared responsibility between the employee and the organisation, primarily organisation’s responsibility and abstract responsibility. The risk analysis matrix was chosen to illustrate the level of risk as it considers both severity and probability of the risks. The empirical part of the study was conducted as a case study focusing on cyber security in a modern Finnish organisation, and both interview and questionnaire were used. Risk analysis matrix was then used to identify the level of risk in the organisation. Based on the risk analysis, priority proposals for action were targeted at those risks that are intolerable or significant. The risk assessment matrix was found to be a practical tool for assessing a company's cyber security risk. Once the level of risk has been identified, measures can be taken in the most appropriate way for the company, prioritizing the risks requiring immediate action or other necessary measures

    Investigating the Finnish Elderly People’s Attitudes and Motivation towards Digital Game-Based Physical Exercises

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    Attitudes and motivation towards physical exercises play a vital role for elderly people’s adherence to exercise. In recent years, digital games have been used to enhance elderly people’s experiences in physical exercises. However, there is a limited number of studies regarding elderly people’s attitudes and motivation towards digital game-based exercises. In this study, we aim at investigating the Finnish elderly people’s attitudes towards physical and digital game-based exercises, as well as their motivation in the gameplay. Furthermore, we intend to investigate if digital games can be an alternative way of exercising for elderly people. We conducted a user experience test of the “Skiing Game” with 21 elderly participants in Finland. We applied both qualitative (e.g. interview) and quantitative (e.g. questionnaires) methods to collect data from the participants. Then, we analyzed the data by using SPSS and Nvivo. The findings show that the Finnish elderly people’s attitudes towards physical exercises are more positive than digital game-based exercises. However, their attitudes towards digital games have become more positive after the gameplay. Their in-game and post-game user experiences were moderately positive. Their motivation to play digital game-based exercises was moderately high after the gameplay. Their feedback towards the Skiing game was positive. They recommend that digital game-based exercises can be an effective way of exercising. Based on these findings, we recommend that digital games are promising to be used as an alternative way of exercising for the Finnish elderly people. The discussion in this study can help researchers gain insights about using digital games for promoting elderly people’s participation in physical exercises

    Simulation of Subject-Specific Progression of Knee Osteoarthritis and Comparison to Experimental Follow-up Data : Data from the Osteoarthritis Initiative

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    Economic costs of osteoarthritis (OA) are considerable. However, there are no clinical tools to predict the progression of OA or guide patients to a correct treatment for preventing OA. We tested the ability of our cartilage degeneration algorithm to predict the subject-specific development of OA and separate groups with different OA levels. The algorithm was able to predict OA progression similarly with the experimental follow-up data and separate subjects with radiographical OA (Kellgren-Lawrence (KL) grade 2 and 3) from healthy subjects (KL0). Maximum degeneration and degenerated volumes within cartilage were significantly higher (p <0.05) in OA compared to healthy subjects, KL3 group showing the highest degeneration values. Presented algorithm shows a great potential to predict subjectspecific progression of knee OA and has a clinical potential by simulating the effect of interventions on the progression of OA, thus helping decision making in an attempt to delay or prevent further OA symptoms.Peer reviewe

    Impact of Serious Games on Health and Well-being of Elderly: A Systematic Review

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    Besides their entertainment value, serious games can have beneficial therapeutic effects for elderly people that improve their health and well-being. Games are likely to be accepted by elderly persons who have enjoyed games their lives, and because there are more and more of such elderly, it is important to investigate games as a therapeutic device. This research reviewed the literature focusing on the effects of games on elderly persons in three main types of effects: physical, cognitive, and social effects. The majority of reviewed papers focused on physical and cognitive effects, and were published in recent years, which emphasizes the relative novelty of this topic and suggests that future research will need to address social impact as well. In addition, while many papers claimed positive impacts as a result of using games, our review found that more attention should be given to research designs

    Analysis of Flue Gas Emission Data from Fluidized Bed Combustion Using Self-Organizing Maps

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    Efficient combustion of fuels with lower emissions levels has become a demanding task in modern power plants, and new tools are needed to diagnose their energy production. The goals of the study were to find dependencies between process variables and the concentrations of gaseous emission components and to create multivariate nonlinear models describing their formation in the process. First, a generic process model was created by using a self-organizing map, which was clustered with the k-means algorithm to create subsets representing the different states of the process. Characteristically, these process states may include high- and low- load situations and transition states where the load is increased or decreased. Then emission models were constructed for both the entire process and for the process state of high boiler load. The main conclusion is that the methodology used is able to reveal such phenomena that occur within the process states and that could otherwise be difficult to observe

    Design of Mobile Application for Self-reporting Affective Experiences

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    Affective experiences have a major role in value creation during customer encounters both in business to consumer (B2C) and business to business (B2B) domains. However, understanding and effectively identifying affective experiences is challenging. Based on a practical need of a case company, the aim of this study was to develop an ensemble artifact for measuring affective experiences during customer encounters. Following action design research method, we designed the artifact in two cycles. First cycle involved creating a poster to capture affective experiences in an event setting. In second cycle, a mobile application was developed for identifying affective experiences. In a pilot study the mobile application was used to interview 73 individuals during customer encounters at various touchpoints of the customer event by four interviewers. The study reports the preliminary findings, evaluates the artifact development process through the lenses of design science research process model, and identifies the future research directions

    Modelling of Water Quality: An Application to a Water Treatment Process

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    The modelling of water treatment processes is challenging because of its complexity, nonlinearity, and numerous contributory variables, but it is of particular importance since water of low quality causes health-related and economic problems which have a considerable impact on people’s daily lives. Linear and nonlinear modelling methods are used here to model residual aluminium and turbidity in treated water, using both laboratory and process data as input variables. The approach includes variable selection to find the most important factors affecting the quality parameters. Correlations of ∼0.7–0.9 between the modelled and real values for the target parameters were ultimately achieved. This data analysis procedure seems to provide an efficient means of modelling the water treatment process and defining its most essential variables

    AVAUS : Avaruuden uuden toimintaympäristön turvallisuusulottuvuudet ja liiketoiminta

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    Avaruustoiminnalla on jo kauan ollut suuri strateginen merkitys yhteiskunnan toimivuudelle, kansalliselle turvallisuudelle ja eri hallinnonalojen päätöksenteolle. Yhteiskunnan toiminnot hyödyntävät satelliittien tuottamaa ja välittämää dataa, jonka määrä ja maantieteellinen kattavuus ovat laajentuneet radikaalisti viime vuosina. Aiemmin laajamittainen avaruustoiminta oli mahdollista vain suurilla taloudellisilla panostuksilla ja sitä harjoittivat vain muutamat maailman suurvallat. Nyt teknologinen kehitys ja avaruusteknologian halventuminen on mahdollistanut myös pienimuotoisemman avaruustoiminnan, jolla voidaan vastata tehokkaasti yhteiskunnan ja elinkeinoelämän tarpeisiin ja toiveisiin. Tämä mahdollistaa täysin uusia sovelluksia ja palveluita, jotka perustuvat avaruudesta ja Maan pinnalta tehtyjen havaintojen tehokkaaseen yhdistämiseen. Tämä on New Space -ilmiö, johon liittyvää liiketoimintaa kutsutaan nimellä New Space Economy – uusi avaruusliiketoiminta. Uuden avaruusteknologian ja sen tuomien sovellusmahdollisuuksien esiinmarssi ei ole korvaamassa perinteisellä avaruusteknologialla toteutettuja järjestelmiä. Tämä on oleellista. Uudet teknologiat sekä tuovat mukanaan uusia avaruuden hyödyntämismahdollisuuksia että täydentävät perinteisiä avaruusjärjestelmiä. Tämä tutkimus tarkastelee uutta avaruustoimintaympäristöä kansallisen hyödyntämisen kannalta: miten sen tarjoama yhteiskunnan turvallisuuteen vaikuttava teknologia sekä liiketoimintapotentiaali voitaisiin valjastaa parhaiten palvelemaan suomalaista yhteiskuntaa. Jos saamme luotua uutta teknistieteellistä kyvykkyyttä kansallisella perusrahoituksella, sillä on tärkeä vipuvaikutus sekä liiketoimintaan että suomalaisten turvallisuuteen. Osaaminen ja innovaatiot houkuttelevat kasvurahoitusta, mikä mahdollistaa liiketoiminnan nopean kasvun. Avaruuden turvallisuuskäyttö edellyttää korkealaatuista osaamista ja hyötyy menestyvästä liiketoiminnasta. Aktiivisilla toimilla Suomi pystyy hyödyntämään avaruusteknisen murroksen tarjoamat laajat liiketoiminnalliset mahdollisuudet sekä toisaalta varautumaan turvallisuuteen liittyviin uusiin haasteisiin. Toimenpidesuosituksemme ovat tämän mukaisia.Tämä julkaisu on toteutettu osana valtioneuvoston selvitys- ja tutkimussuunnitelman toimeenpanoa. (tietokayttoon.fi) Julkaisun sisällöstä vastaavat tiedon tuottajat, eikä tekstisisältö välttämättä edusta valtioneuvoston näkemystä

    Gamified Solutions in Healthcare - Testing Rehabilitation Games in Finland and Asia

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    This paper presents a comprehensive summary of the Gamified Solutions in Healthcare (GSH) research project, which is a joint research project between Turku University of Applied Sciences and the University of Turku. The goal of the project is to promote exercise, social inclusiveness and enhance quality of life, aiming at developing new services and effective activity solutions for the elderly through gamification. During the research project elderly people were included in the development and testing of games so that they could be used for more than just entertainment purposes. According to all of our tests elderly enjoy playing exergames, and digital games can be an effective way to enhance the quality of life of the elderly. In the case studies it was observed that the players where motivated while playing but motivation should also be maintained throughout the gameplay. The elderly gave overall positive feedback for the idea of using digital activity games for exercising. </div